VANTAiO Voice Assistant for the SAP Portal.

VANTAiO Voice Assistant

Sneak preview just in time for the TechEd from October 23rd to 25th in Barcelona: VANTAiO, the expert for portal solutions based on SAP, gives an insight into the internal development lab.

Work on the new VANTAiO Voice Assistant for the SAP portal is in full swing. Based on Google Cloud Text-to-Speech and usable via Chrome, it will soon be available for cloud and on-premise in order to enable voice control – already familiar from the end user sector – for the SAP portal.

Stefan Bohlmann, Managing Director, VANTAiO: "The Voice Assistant offers tech-savvy customers the next step to the universal accessibility of the SAP portal." It acts as input assistance and allows the voice-based transmission of various commands. It can easily be switched on and off by the user via the microphone button on his PC.

VANTAiO Voice Assistant – Video

To companies looking for even more comprehensive solutions using artificial intelligence (AI) VANTAiO recommends the SAP CoPilot. The trend-setting SAP project was presented, among others, on June 21, 2018 as part of the VANTAiO Portal Day: "SAP CoPilot – the digital assistant for companies". The presentation documents can be requested here if interested.

Yes, please send me the SAP CoPilot presentation!

This offer is aimed at corporate customers who want to use or deploy SAP as well as VANTAiO partners. Basically, VANTAiO reserves the right to decide on sending the presentation. There is no obligation.

Do you have any further questions?

Stefan Bohlmann - Geschäftsführer

Stefan Bohlmann
Managing Director
T +49 6131–622280