Presentation: From the intranet to the digital workplace with the SAP Enterprise Portal & Co.
On February 22, 2017 André Wieprecht, nora systems, and Stefan Bohlmann, VANTAiO, presented an intranet with WOW effect.
February 22, 2017, 11:15 to 12:00
DSAG Technology Days 2017
Congress Center Rosengarten Mannheim
André Wieprecht, CIO / Head of Information Technology, nora systems GmbH
Stefan Bohlmann, Geschäftsführer VANTAiO GmbH & Co. KG
As part of the DSAG Technology Days 2017, nora systems, the flooring specialist from Weinheim, and VANTAiO jointly presented "noraCentral 2.0", the new nora intranet.
The task of the project, which was realized within six months in 2016, was the implementation of a central intranet: With SAP Portal core and based on standards, yet responsive, with an attractive user interface and intuitive to use. VANTAiO portal software provided the ideal basis for this.
The current presentation shows the background, details and architecture of this "intranet with WOW effect" (André Wieprecht, nora systems):
- Content, applications, processes, documents, people: everything under the umbrella of the SAP Enterprise Portal, with VANTAiO "ready to run" software
- Project objectives, project history, system landscape and technical architecture of the new portal solution
- Responsive portal content on the desktop, tablet PC and smartphone with the new framework from VANTAiO
- Company-wide search in the SAP Portal with the VANTAiO Search Cockpit and IntraFind as search engine
- Showcases of the new intranet: noraCentral and Live Demo: VANTAiO Portal