VANTAiO gets Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz rolling.

University car

Great idea from Rainer Even, Head of Unit Security, Transport and Traffic, Gutenberg-Uni ​​in Mainz: A new university car was acquired with the support of regional companies, including VANTAiO. The VW Caddy, attention-grabbing with the logos and communicative appearances of all sponsors, replaces an older vehicle and is currently already in use for the post and courier transfer between campus, associated institutes and research companies as well as business trips within the city area.

Official presentation and key handover was yesterday, 10.4.2019, at the so-called "Infobox" at the university main building Rainer Even: "Due to the size of our university, we currently have permanently seven vehicles commuting between different buildings and locations. To date, only the cost factor was decisive in their acquisition. Thanks to the new financing model, we have now been able to invest in practical and comfortable equipment: for the first time there is a caddy with air conditioning, electric windows and radio – much to the delight of our employees. We sincerely thank all sponsors."

Stefan Bohlmann, VANTAiO Managing Director: "When we heard about the proposal from the Gutenberg University, we were immediately on fire. As a Mainz-based company, we thought it was great to sponsor a car over a five-year period, working together as a team. A real win win situation: The Gutenberg University, a very important educational institution for the region, finances a car as cheaply as never before. And we as a software manufacturer will have our name stuck in the students heads because of the car advertising and hope to get some applications from up-and-coming software developers in the future. We wish the users of the vehicle a good trip at all times."

About Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz:

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU), with around 31,500 students from 120 nations, is one of the largest and most diverse universities in Germany. With its medicine department, the art and music colleges and the department of translation, linguistics and cultural studies in Germersheim, it unites almost all academic disciplines under one roof. Its more than 150 institutes and clinics teach and research around 4,400 scientists, including 560 professors. With 75 subjects and numerous specialist combinations, the JGU offers more than 260 study programs.

Official presentation and key collection

New university vehicle
New university vehicle
New university vehicle
New university vehicle
New university vehicle
New university vehicle
New university vehicle
New university vehicle

Do you have any questions?

Stefan Bohlmann
Managing Director
T +49 6131–622280

Nadine Saupe
Marketing Manager
T +49 6131 – 622280