Clear recommendation for SAP customers: VANTAiO in the intranet study 2018
VANTAiO receives positive feedback in the study "Intranet – Market Survey and Trends 2018", which was recently published by Intranet specialists HIRSCHTEC and SCM (School of Communication and Management).
VANTAiO receives positive feedback in the study "Intranet – Market Survey and Trends 2018", which was recently published by Intranet specialists HIRSCHTEC and SCM (School of Communication and Management).
"VANTAiO is a valuable solution for companies that rely on SAP and want to use information in a user-friendly way in a variety of facets for their employees and simply map processes" - this is the summary assessment in the annual study.
The market overview should provide a first assistance in the pre-selection of the suitable intranet system. It shows key areas of application as well as developments of the system providers currently specialized in intranets.
Hirschtec and SCM are convinced that there is a suitable intranet for every company. It is, however, essential to define the very individual requirements of an organization on an intranet, to then select the right software from the very extensive range of solutions.
The overview is based on over 200 customer projects at HIRSCHTEC and uses as a basis a questionnaire that considers the different subtleties of the systems and software solutions to identify their strengths and weaknesses. The five main topics are mobile, information, collaboration, processes and general functions (such as search, performance or usability) to highlight the general focus of a solution. The market overview is supplemented by the central findings of a recent Kantar EMNID survey commissioned by HIRSCHTEC on digital communication in German companies.
Stefan Bohlmann, CEO, VANTAiO GmbH & Co. KG: "A good and at the same time realistic rating for VANTAiO, which shows that our "ready-to-run" philosophy with simultaneous focus on attractive design and user-friendliness for SAP customers is clearly established in the market. Personally, I am especially pleased that our new product, the VANTAiO workflowManager, will be rewarded shortly after its introduction by the top ranking in the "Processes, Workflows and Forms" area."
The market overview can be requested free of charge via the following link:
Further information
Björn Adam, VANTAiO, Tel.: +49 6131 62228-0,
Since 2003, HIRSCHTEC has been developing innovative, digital communication platforms. As a full-service intranet agency, HIRSCHTEC specializes in the holistic, turnkey implementation of intranets and employee portals. The main location in Hamburg is complemented by offices in Dusseldorf, Berlin and Aalen. The 56-strong HIRSCHTEC team today consists of information architects, communications consultants and system specialists. Customers include companies such as Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Bundesbank, RTL, Air Liquide, Veolia, FRoSTA and Weleda. They are supported by the strategy development over the conception and implementation phase up to the enterprise and the editorial intranet care. HIRSCHTEC transforms the work and communication landscape of companies into the digital world and accompanies the associated change. According to the BVDW ranking, the 360-degree agency is one of the top 5 intranet agencies in Germany and one of the finalists in the Innovation Prize IT 2017. HIRSCHTEC has implemented over 200 intranet projects for more than 1,500,000 users.
About SCM (School of Communication and Management):
Knowledge is the source of success of any enterprise - and nothing is as obsolete as the "current state of knowledge".
Continuing education is the key to personal success and the rise of a company. SCM's training program is aimed at executives today and tomorrow.
They combine the areas of communication and management, with targeted further education in the form of conferences, workshops, intensive courses and in-house training, and publishes specialist books and studies.